Controlling Servo Motors with .NET MicroFramework
This post illustrates how you can control Servo Motors from .NET MicroFramework using only simple output pins and C# code.
I have this idea of making a walking robot, so in order to test the basic servo control from .NET MicroFramework, I have used 2 servo motors and built a leg. Each Servo motor controls a joint in a leg.
In my first test I have used the GHI USBizi development board, but no special hardware has been used, only simple GPIO pins. I wanted to use the built-in PWM feature of the GHI board, but the program locked up when I initialized the PWM feature! I don't know if this is an error in the GHI firmware or what, but instead of investigating this further I made my own Servo control class in C#, which implements the PWM control.
Update 2015.
The code running in the video, is as follows:
using System; using Microsoft.SPOT; using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware; using System.Threading; namespace PFJ.NETMF.Hardware.Motor { public class Servo { OutputPort servoPort; int pulseWidth; int max; int min; int mid; object lockitem; public Servo(Cpu.Pin Pin) { servoPort = new OutputPort(Pin, false); max = 1450; min = 300; mid = 575; // (max - min) / 2; pulseWidth = mid; lockitem = new object(); Thread ServoThread = new Thread(ServoProcessor); ServoThread.Start(); } public void Left() { lock (lockitem) { pulseWidth = min; } } public void Middle() { lock (lockitem) { pulseWidth = mid; } } public void Right() { lock (lockitem) { pulseWidth = max; } } public void Position(double Percent) { double d = System.Math.Round((Percent / 100D) * (max - min) + min); lock (lockitem) { pulseWidth = Convert.ToInt32(d.ToString()); } } public void Wait(int Delay) { Thread.Sleep(Delay); } protected virtual void ServoProcessor() { while (true) { lock (lockitem) { ServoHighPulse(); ServoLowPulse(); } Thread.Sleep(2); } } private void ServoHighPulse() { servoPort.Write(true); DelayMicroSec(pulseWidth); } private void ServoLowPulse() { servoPort.Write(false); DelayMicroSec(max - pulseWidth); } /// <summary> /// Blocks thread for given number of microseconds /// </summary> /// <param name="microSeconds">Delay in microseconds</param> private void DelayMicroSec(int microSeconds) { DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; int stopTicks = microSeconds * 10; TimeSpan divTime = DateTime.Now - startTime; while (divTime.Ticks < stopTicks) { divTime = DateTime.Now - startTime; } } } }
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